Sunday, March 10, 2019

Apakah Guinea Pig Haram

17/05/2009  · MV: In Islam it is a major sin to eat Pork and it is considered to be the dirtiest animal in Islam. But many Muslims, including me, don't even know why its so forbidden. This answer by a khair from, tells us of how dangerous pigs can be to the human brain and death…, Jakarta - . Marmut biasanya jadi hewan peliharaan. Namun ada juga yang mengonsumsinya. Lalu bagaimana hukum menyantap marmut dalam Islam? Layaknya kelinci, terdapat segelintir orang yang menikmati daging marmut atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut guinea pig .Bahkan ada yang meyakini konsumsi hewan mirip hamster dengan ukuran lebih besar ini punya manfaat bagi kesehatan., Is a guinea pig haram ? no they are not Read More. share: Why is haram to eat pig meat? because Allah said so AND because pig contains lots of diseases. And its eats its own poop and it rolls in ..., Halhalal – Binatang Marmut biasanya dijadikan hewan peliharaan. Namun ada juga yang mengonsumsinya. Lalu bagaimanakah hukum Islam memandangnya? Halalkah? Atau Haramkah? Layaknya kelinci, terdapat segelintir orang yang menikmati daging marmut atau yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut guinea pig . Bahkan ada yang meyakini konsumsi hewan mirip hamster dengan …, 29/09/2008  · The Guinea pig (also commonly called the cavy after its scientific name) is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviar and the genus Caviar. Despite their common name, these animals are not pigs , nor do they come from Guinea . ... eating a pig is haram . Anonymous · 1 decade ago . 3. Thumbs up. 1. Thumbs down., Pig is not forbidden by itself but eating pig meat is forbidden per Islam teachings unless one is on verge of death and has nothing to eat to keep his/her life except pig meat. Refer to question ..., 06/12/2010  · "The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also called the cavy, is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, these animals are not in the pig family, nor are they from Guinea .", 08/08/2009  · Are guinea pigs haram in islam? Hello, I just need to know because i want one as a pet for my birthday. Well obviously im not going to eat it so dont tell me that its haram if im going to eat it. I just want to have one as a pet and i need a way to convince my mother that they arent related to pigs …, 02/08/2010  · – Apa tujuan Anda membeli guinea pig , apakah untuk dibreeding ataukah hanya sebagai hewan peliharaan. Keputusan ini akan mempengaruhi hidup Anda bersama guinea pig Anda selama 7 tahun mendatang termasuk cara perawatan guinea pig . Banyak orang yang tidak menyadari bahwa memelihara sepasang GP dapat berakhir pada overpopulasi., 21/08/2007  · Listen, no matter what pet you get, be it a bird, cat, dog, guinea pig , or a rabbit... Do THOROUGH research first and make sure you know what is required to take care of the pet you'll be getting. Different animals have different needs!!!! So please make sure you get what you are able to take care of... animals are not toys.

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